Practical Life Exercises
Sensorial Studies


Cultural Studies

We have adapted Core Character Values program which teaches children about Biblical values such as obedience, forgiveness, and honesty using songs, poems and engaging interactive activities.
Prayers are also done daily as a group activity throughout the day to help develop a habit of prayer.

To help develop communication and comprehension skills in a meaningful way, we also provide children with alternating hands-on group activities such as Music & Movement, Arts & Crafts, Outdoor Play, Sensory Play, Food Preparation and Interactive Storytelling.
Michelle Tjokrosaputro
Dear Parents,
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michelle Tjokrosaputro, the new CEO of Kinderhaven Montessori Preschool. I am a working wife, mother of three boys, and am delighted to have joined Kinderhaven at the beginning of this year. Since January, the school has continued to improve. We have re-evaluated our programs, curriculums and facilities, to ensure that your children still have the best education and, at the same time, enjoy every moment of their learning experience. Realising that the impact of Covid 19 must have affected not only our lives but also our children’s, the school is preparing to introduce a more holistic approach, which includes programs that focus on their spiritual, physical and mental health. We will introduce these programs gradually throughout this and next year. We hope that by the time your children graduate from our preschool, they will have grown not only intellectually, but also spiritually, physically and mentally.
On behalf of the school, we express our most heartfelt gratitude for the support and trust in your children’s education. We are also grateful for the partnership and look forward to continuously working together for a better learning experience. I look forward to meeting all of you in better times, and hope that you continue to stay safe and healthy.
Michelle Tjokrosaputro

Ms Grace
(Mom of Philip-Sparklers A)
Metode pembelajarannya dibawakan secara menarik dan interaktif, sehingga mendorong anak-anak untuk turut aktif berpartisipasi dalam proses pembelajaran.

Ms Yulywati
(Mom of Emily-Twinklers)
"Saya sangat happy menyekolahkan anak saya di KinderHaven Montessori Preschool karena pertama dari guru-gurunya sendiri sangat kreatif, inovatif dan juga sangat fokus terhadap perkembangan murid-murid yang ada. Jadi untuk kegiatan online home learningnya juga sangat menarik sekali, anak-anak terbukti juga sangat antusias dalam mengikuti kelas onlinenya,"

Ms Cynthia
(Mom of Cassie-Twinklers)
Twinklers. Cassie baru bergabung dengan KinderHaven Home Learning Program di Januari 2021. Selama 2 bulan ini saya merasa sangat puas dengan home learning dari KinderHaven karena tema-tema yang diberikan sangat menarik bagi anak-anak dan materi yang telah dipersiapkan oleh guru-guru juga sangat mendetail dan lengkap sehingga saya sebagai orangtua tidak merasa terbebani ketika harus mengikuti home learning di rumah.

Seraphim Medical Center 3rd Floor, Jl Gading Serpong Boulevard,
Curug Sangereng, Kec. Kelapa Dua, Kab. Tangerang, Banten, 15810