In January, we organized Medical Check Up by Bethsaida to achieve optimal health in order to encourage the best exploration in our little learners. They had their body checked, including the eyes, mouth, ears, lungs, & skin. All their medical check-ups are recorded in the health passport.

In February, we had the Chinese New Year Celebration in KinderHaven. In this event, they are able to experience hands-on learning by trying the lion dance performance themselves!

In this month of exploration, we also arranged Montessori Week, which aims to showcase what they have explored in the class by including 5 Montessori areas. Through student presentations, working with parents, & participating in market day, they can improve their confidence, social interaction, & collaboration with their friends.

Get ready for exciting activities such as, Big Field Trip in March, as well as Easter Celebration in April! Mark your calendar & keep in touch with us through our Instagram @kinderhaven_id for any updates!